Snowmobiling Essentials – Repairs – What else besides tools?

Home repairs Snowmobiling Essentials – Repairs – What else besides tools?

When you have an issue while snowmobiling in the wilderness, you will never have enough stuff – but nevertheless one has to strike a balance between how much weight and space you are willing to dedicate to repair supplies. Where I can, I try to multipurpose the items that I carry. A group of items that are light, take little space, and afford me two distinct functions include the following:

  • 2- 3/4″ by 17″ aluminum bars
  • 2- 2″ hose clamps
  • 2 -1 3/4″ hose clamps
  • 1 roll of water resistant tape

The aluminum bars and hose clamps are light, sit flat on the bottom of my tunnel bag and provide me a tonne of repair options. The aluminum bars can be bent to shape and together with the hose clamps can splint together broken suspension and steering components – at least enough to limp out. The hose clamps themselves can be used to lash snapped components together again. The aluminum bars are cut to 17″ long, as that is the longest length that will sit flat at the bottom of my tunnel bag. I could probably get away with shorter pieces if I wanted to use them just for sled repair purposes – but I also carry them at this length should I ever need to stabilize an injury. In the case of splinting a broken arm, for example, you need to immobilize the joint above and below the injury. At this length, I will be able to do just that. Additionally, for general snowmobile repair, I also carry zip ties, duct tape, self-tapping metal screws and metal wire.

Hopefully this will help you decide what you do and don’t need to take with you. Remember, if items are capable of more than one purpose, they can save you carrying extra supplies.

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