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Home basic riding

The POWDER is DEEP and you are having the ride of your life…and then… STUCKFEST!!! It happens to everybody… We all get stuck, some more than others. But what can make a bad day or a great day is the ability to get unstuck quickly and easily. There are some basic fundamentals that should be […]

Here I will talk about the correct body and foot positioning to use when you’re out on your sled. These should provide you with increased control and improve your overall safety. Body Positions – Hips and Shoulders Most of the techniques I reference here will be from a standing position. In this position, it is […]

Don’t take on the backcountry without knowing what you’re looking at when you see that grand hunk of rock and fluffy white stuff. Each mountain hosts any combination of ever-changing features and conditions—here’s a breakdown of what to pay attention to, and how it can affect your safety. 1. Wind can displace tremendous amounts of […]

If you’re anything like me, you over snowmobile and you get strained elbows and arm pain. If I am not careful, tendon strain will set in around February and can be there for the rest of the season. Thankfully, with coaching from a sports Orthopedic surgeon, I have found some ways to mange it. Technically […]

Here is a way for you to practice your route finding skills. In the following photographs we have built some fun games where you must try and navigate your way from the green hut to the red hut. Be careful to navigate around areas that contain avalanche potential Click and hold the left mouse to […]

Over the last ten years there have been fantastic advances in the field of avalanche safety through research and technical development. Additions made to snow stability evaluations like ‘fracture character’ during the ‘compression test’ deepen our awareness of what is happening with the snow. There have also been the development terrain assessment tools, which help […]

I just returned from my first trip in Revelstoke, Canada. 4 days of awesome riding which got me thinking, “when is a snowmobiler ready to ride Revy?” Since I started riding 3 seasons ago you hear about all of these travel destinations, hearing about how “EPIC” these areas are nd seeing some incredible riding conditions […]

At the beginning of each season, most sledders will be nursing sore legs and backs after their first hard ride. Well you have just enough time left to do our Sledfit Preseason Limber up program. This program is 3 days a week for 3 weeks – for a total of 9 work outs that should […]

Just recently was the 2015 annual Snow Show held at the Puyallup Fairgrounds which is located just outside of Tacoma, WA. Many vendors, local and national, get together and it’s considered to be the kickoff of the snowmobiling season. Yes the weather hasn’t been the most cooperative so far this year, but 3 years ago […]